Shion mutsumi
Shion mutsumi

shion mutsumi

"What subjects are you worried about?" Mutsumi asked with his soothing and gentle voice. I won't be able to say goodbye to Shion anymore!" She exclaimed as tears fell from her eyes. and I couldn't concentrate in class at all." Chiyo blabbered on about the effects Shion's death had on her.

shion mutsumi

Shion's death made me think about him even more. "Oh yeah, that's right! What happenned?" Igarashi continued. "Chiyo, weren't you always the top in your class?" Nanashima asked.

shion mutsumi

Everyone stared at the younger Serinuma sister, watching her futile attempts to study multiple subjects at once. "I totally agree, and thats why." Kae said, looking at Chiyo with emotionless eyes, and continued, "she's like that now". "She totally bombed the tests she took right after her sister lost weight" Igarashi stated bluntly as Kae was nodding profusely at his comment. "Ehhhhh?! Chiyo, I didn't know you did so badly in your exams!" Kae screeched, making Chiyo flinch a little as she mumbled, "But.but Shion" with dramatic tears threatening to spill. If you fail the next test, you'll need to take supplementary classes during the summer. "Alright! Let's have fun!" Both of them cheered in unison. "It's okay Chi-chan, summer break is coming soon!" This method of cheering Chiyo up worked perfectly, also causing Chiyo to fantasize about going to comikets, anime cons, and so many more places with her dear sister. " can't just choose one! They're all so fun" Chiyo cried. Kae chuckled and replied, "That's because you're in all the sports clubs!" my legs hurt." Chiyo groaned as she rested her head to the table.

Shion mutsumi